Amber Mack
While in the HDE lab, Amber researched stress and mental health among refugee populations and contributed to the Family Stress Model literature review project. She graduated from Washington University in St. Louis with her Masters of Social Work, where she concentrated in health and specialized in research. Amber is currently the Research & Policy Analyst at Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of Georgia. Amber coordinates HMHBGA multi-sector working groups to address a range of maternal and infant health needs including oral health, doula services, prenatal education, and access to care. She also manages research projects, including the State of the State report, and evaluates the impact of HMHBGA programs. Engaging with policymakers and advocates, she provides technical data support for policies that will improve maternal and infant health across the state of Georgia.
Highlighted Works in the HDE Lab:
Mack, A. & Masarik, A. S. (April 17, 2017). Stress and mental health of refugees: An illustrative review. Paper presented at the Undergraduate Research Conference in Boise, ID.
Masarik A. S., Abellera, C., Holdiman, A., Knudson, A., & Mack, A. (November 18, 2017). Refugee stress and resilience: Application of the Family Stress Model. Poster presentation at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference in Orlando, FL.