Anna Holdiman
In the HDE Lab, Anna assisted with a variety of research and community-outreach projects. She conducted literature reviews on language brokering among refugee children as well as parenting stress among refugee adults. Anna was also heavily involved in the campus community and mentored students with a refugee or immigrant background. Upon graduation, Anna was awarded the prestigious Top Ten Scholar Award here at Boise State. Since graduating, she earned her master’s degree in Speech and Occupational Therapy at the University of Texas, Austin. She is currently a Clinical and Research Fellow in Madison, Wisconsin conducting research on the predictors of dysphagia among COVID-19 patients.
Highlighted Works in the HDE Lab:
- ​Masarik A. S., Abellera, C., Holdiman, A., Knudson, A., & Mack, A. (November 18, 2017). Refugee stress and resilience: Application of the Family Stress Model. Poster presentation at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference in Orlando, FL.
Holdiman, A. & Masarik, A. S. (April 8, 2017). Resettlement stress and family functioning in refugees: An illustrative review. Paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Annual Convention in Salt Lake City, UT.
Holdiman, A. & Masarik, A. S. (April 16, 2018). Strength or strain: A discussion on the impacts of child language brokering. Paper presented at the Undergraduate Research Conference in Boise, ID.