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Archie Keeton III

Highlighted Works in the HDE Lab: 

  • Keeton III, A., Masarik, A. S., Sutin, A., & Robins, R. E. (October 13, 2019). Perceived ethnic discrimination, mental health, and coping among Mexican-American adults: Exploring gender differences. Poster presented at the Society for Study in Human Development Annual Conference in Portland, OR.


  • Keeton III, A. & Masarik, A. S. (April 15, 2019). Discrimination, mental health, and coping among Mexican-American adults: Exploring gender differences. Poster presented at the Undergraduate Research Conference in Boise, ID.

In the HDE Lab, Archie investigated links between ethnic discrimination and mental health among Mexian-American adults. In collaboration with researchers at the University of California, Davis, Archie and Dr. Masarik analyzed over ten years of data from participants involved in the California Families Project. They found that higher levels of ethnic discrimination were significantly associated with more depressive and anxiety symptoms concurrently and over time; however, interesting gender differences emerged. Archie was involved in the Afro Black Student Alliance on campus and was the President of the Psi Chi International Honor Society (Boise State University chapter). Archie is now in graduate school earning a master’s degree in Organizational Workplace and Performance Learning and is employed in state government.

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