Hailey Fritz
Hailey’s research interests involve close relationships, intergenerational transmission of family behaviors, and resilience among refugee youth and families. In the HDE Lab, she has been involved in many projects. First, she collaborated with Dr. Masarik to conduct a review of the literature involving stress and resilience among refugee youth and families. Second, in a secondary data analysis involving the Family Transitions Project, she collaborates with Dr. Masarik and faculty at Texas Tech University to investigate behavioral continuity from sibling relationships in adolescence to romantic relationships in adulthood. Outside of the lab, Hailey has volunteered at a local high school and on campus tutoring and mentoring students with refugee backgrounds. She is also the Vice President of the Psi Chi National Honors Society in Psychology (Boise State Chapter). After graduation, Hailey plans to pursue graduate school.
Highlighted Works in the HDE Lab:
Masarik, A. S., Fritz, H., & Lazarevic, V. (paper under review). Adapting the Family Stress Model to study stress and resilience among resettling refugees.
Fritz, H., Masarik, A. S., & Rogers, C. R. (November 11, 2020). Behavioral pathways from sibling relationship in adolescence to romantic partnerships in adulthood. Poster presented at the National Council on Family Relations Annual conference (online).
Fritz, H. & Masarik, A. S. (April 17, 2020). An illustrative review of factors that foster resilience among refugee populations. Poster presented at the Undergraduate Research Showcase (online).