Shukuru Kamulete
In the HDE Lab, Shukuru investigates stressors and supports that influence educational opportunity and success among students with refugee backgrounds. Shukuru has collaborated with several other research assistants in the lab, including Cierra Abellera, Georgette Bisoka, and Rabia Zahid. He is also a language interpreter for the home interviews with Dr. Masarik’s larger “Stress and Resilience” project involving Congolese mothers and their adolescent children. Shukuru is also a peer mentor and advocate for refugee families who are resettling in the Boise area. On campus, he is the Vice President for the Multilingual Student Alliance. After graduating with his bachelor’s degree, he plans to get his master’s degree in Social Work.
Highlighted Works in the HDE Lab:
Zahid, R., Kamulete, S., & Masarik, A. S. (April, 2021). Stories of stress and resilience from refugee fathers during resettlement: Implications for child development. Poster to be presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting (online).
Kamulete, S., Bisoka, G., & Masarik, A. S. (April 24, 2020). The influence of the Multilingual Student Alliance on sense of belonging and educational success among refugee-background students. Poster presented at the Undergraduate Research Showcase (online). https://scholarworks.boisestate.edu/under_showcase_2020/90
Abellera, C., Kamulete, S., & Masarik, A. S. (April 15, 2019). Educational barriers and resources for university refugee-background students. Poster presented at the Undergraduate Research Conference in Boise, ID.
Check out Shukuru and his research featured in the Boise State news!